Saturday, 3 July 2010

Newark - The Quartet that was nearly a trio!

I suppose it had to happen eventually. On the morning of our performance in Newark, Rob had a minor accident and was taken to hospital with a suspected broken leg. Frantic phoning round resulted in Steve, the bass from our brother quartet and very good friends Revised Edition hot -footing it from their rehearsal in Nottingham over to Newark to stand in for Rob - and a very good job he did too!!

We sang as a trio for about 30 minutes - which was interesting - and then Steve joined us for the rest of the afternoon.

As we were singing at a Barbershop, I took the opportunity to have a quick haircut, and can highly recommend their services. Besides cutting hair, they also provide a shave with a cut-throat razor, and a full face hot towel treatment. Sadly, there wasn't enough time for that, but I'm going to have one in the future!

Who says Barbershop is just for older people? Not Victoria, pictured here, who was transfixed watching us, and then badgered her mum to come back so she could listen again. Many thanks to Victoria, and also to her mum for allowing us to reproduce the picture here.

Many thanks to Marion and the girls for making us so welcome, and for really entering into the spirit of the occasion, and a huge thanks to Steve of Revised Edition for helping us out at such incredibly short notice.

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