Monday, 20 September 2010

Eastwood Church - take 2

Had a great time here together with all our mates from the Major Oak Chorus . The event was designed to raise money for the church roof appeal. Building on our appearance at Heanor WI last year, we sang 5 numbers to the audience of about 150.

The gig was a great success, and it was a real pleasure to see some familiar faces in the crowd, especially my mum.

Next Sunday (26th), we are at the Wolds pub, Loughborough Rd West Bridgford from 2.00pm to about 4.00, so if you are in the area, why not drop in and say hello. The staff will make you very welcome, and the food is superb.

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Eastwood Parish Church

Come and see us and our friends in the Major Oak Chorus at Eastwood Parish Church . Besides "good ol' barbershop, there will be a few surprises as well.

It's all for a good cause, and it's not expensive, so come along and say hello!

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

The Wolds, West Bridgford

Had a great time singing at the new Hungry Horse pub, the Wolds on Loughborough Road West Bridgford (next to Asda)

 The pub had only been open 1 day, so we regarded it as a special privilege to be allowed to sing here.  We were there from 2.00pm to about 4 o'clock, then the managers treated us all to a slap up meal - nice!  One special moment was when an Irish guy asked us to sing for him and his family, so we sang My Wild Irish Rose.  His wife really enjoyed it , and he had tears in his eyes - ah, the power of 4 part harmony!

Many thanks to Andrew and Sharon (our hosts) for inviting us, and also booking us again for Sunday September 26th. If you want a good meal at a reasonable price, and a bit of 4 part Harmony thrown in for good measure, then come and say hello.  

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Geoff's Birthday Party (1st July)

One of the really good things about singing in quartet is seeing the smiles on peoples faces, and one of the best smiles we have seen for a long time was this evening, when we walked in and suprised Geoff!

Geoff saw us perform at the Heanor show back in February, and said it was the best show he had ever seen, so his daughter Susan contacted us about his 80th birthday party. We thought it was a great idea and hid behind a fence before walking into his back garden singing (Only for 5 minutes - not from February!!!). 

It was brilliant! Excellent audience, we sang both outside in the garden, then later in the house. Geoff was grinning from ear to ear throughout the evening.

A particularly touching moment was when we sang Heart Of My Heart to Geoff and his beautiful wife Mary. I explained that we always sing this song to the bride at weddings - but as we weren't around when they got married (1953), we'd do it for them now.

One of the most enjoyable evenings we've had for ages.

Many, many thanks to Susan for inviting us.

Singin' In The Rain

After the University gig, we hot footed it into the suburbs for another performance. This one was a Diamond Wedding Anniversary at Brinsley.

The party was supposed to be outside on the lawn, but as it was raining cats and dogs, it had been moved into a  plastic marquee on the patio. All well and good, except that the rain was VERY LOUD!! Still, we sang and sang, and everyone had a great time. We also had one lady get so emotionally involved in one of the ballads that she had tears running down her cheeks. Lovely!

It was a privilege to be allowed to share Margaret and Vics' special day, and many thanks to David and Karen for such a brilliant evening.

Special Blend go to University

This was an extremely interesting gig that we shared with our friends Revised Edition. The occasion was a champagne reception for the graduates of Cripps Hall in Nottingham.

Both quartets sang a few songs individually and then we all joined together as an Octet for a few final songs, culminating in The Lion Sleeps Tonight.

The grads loved this, all joining in.

What made this gig so memorable was the way the Grads were dressed - chaps in Dj's and the ladies in the some of the most gorgeous outfits we've ever seen. Picture eight middle aged guys trying to sing with their eyes popping out of their heads and you've just about got it!!
Many thanks to Katherine for such wonderful organisation. 

Newark - The Quartet that was nearly a trio!

I suppose it had to happen eventually. On the morning of our performance in Newark, Rob had a minor accident and was taken to hospital with a suspected broken leg. Frantic phoning round resulted in Steve, the bass from our brother quartet and very good friends Revised Edition hot -footing it from their rehearsal in Nottingham over to Newark to stand in for Rob - and a very good job he did too!!

We sang as a trio for about 30 minutes - which was interesting - and then Steve joined us for the rest of the afternoon.

As we were singing at a Barbershop, I took the opportunity to have a quick haircut, and can highly recommend their services. Besides cutting hair, they also provide a shave with a cut-throat razor, and a full face hot towel treatment. Sadly, there wasn't enough time for that, but I'm going to have one in the future!

Who says Barbershop is just for older people? Not Victoria, pictured here, who was transfixed watching us, and then badgered her mum to come back so she could listen again. Many thanks to Victoria, and also to her mum for allowing us to reproduce the picture here.

Many thanks to Marion and the girls for making us so welcome, and for really entering into the spirit of the occasion, and a huge thanks to Steve of Revised Edition for helping us out at such incredibly short notice.

Monday, 10 May 2010

Next Appearance - Look out Newark!

A chance to see the quartet for free!

On Saturday 15th May, we will be performing in Newark Market Place, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of a Barbershop!!

We will be there from 11.00 am to about 3:00 pm, then it's a mad dash back to Nottingham for a private party - that is of course if we have any voices left!! 

Monday, 15 March 2010

Lincoln Music Festival

We went, we entertained and we Won! - well, we won the quartet category anyway!

We remained true to ourselves and sang two comedy numbers and were shocked when the adjudicator announced that we had won the competition. He also said said some very complementary things about our singing, and he should know - Christopher Field MA, ARAM, LRAM, ARCM

Christopher Field was a Choral Exhibitioner at Trinity College, Cambridge and a scholar at the Royal Academy of Music.

Later, he won an Arts Council of Great Britain scholarship for postgraduate vocal studies with Frederick Husler in Switzerland. After becoming established as a baritone soloist, working with choral societies throughout Britain, he joined the music staff of Dulwich College where he stayed until 2000, retiring as Deputy Master.

Throughout that time, he continued to make music professionally, singing, conducting choirs, playing the double bass and composing, mainly, choral music and songs.

Several of his teaching works have appeared in the double bass and singing examination syllabuses of the Associated Board and of Trinity Guildhall.

He has wide experience as an adjudicator member of the British and International Federation of Festivals and is a diploma examiner for the Associated Board. In August 2008, he gave masterclasses on English Song and oratorio in Reykjavik He is conductor of the City of London Chamber Choir and, from 1985 to 2005, he was a member of the Council of the Royal School of Church Music. Christopher Field was appointed an Associate of the Royal Academy of Music in 1993.

To be selected by Christopher for first place is praise indeed!

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Carlton Junior School

One of the great things about what we do is the people and places we get to meet and go to. Carlton Junior School is not one of the places where we would have thought of singing, until their School Administrator, Anne saw us at the Albert Hall in Nottingham. An invitation followed, and then the performance itself, with the Major Oak Chorus and the School choir.

The kids were brilliant, and when we did our bit, were squealing with laughter as I hit Rob (twice) during Bye Bye Blues (Rob was just squealing!).

An absolutely fantastic evening, followed by an afterglow in the Bread & Bitter pub where - guess what - we sang some more.

Hopefully the chorus will get a few new members from the audience, and we will get a few more gigs!

Next Friday, the 12th, we are appearing at the Lincoln Music Festival, and once again we are singing comedy songs, so once again we expect to come last - but hey - we guarantee we will entertain!!

Monday, 1 March 2010

Hazel Grove Music Festival

We went, we sang, we entertained, we came last!

For this festival, we decided that we were going to be true to ourselves and put on a performance of a couple of our comedy routines. The audience and the adjudicator laughed the whole way through the set, but (of course) we were marked down. As the top two quartets were local, it probably wouldn't have mattered if we had been the world champions - we still wouldn't have won, but hey - we are entertainers first and barbershop singers second.

As we left the hall, several people stopped us and said how much they had enjoyed our set, and that they had never seen stuff like that at the festival.

Objective achieved!!

Incidentally, we are doing the same thing at the Lincoln Music Festival on March 12th - we are the guys who put the barb into barbershop!  Maybe we should change our name to Bad boys Blend!!


What an absolutely brilliant evening.

Sometimes, things just seem to flow, and this was one of those times.
The Major Oak Chorus was magificent, one of our frinds, Nigel, recited some poetry, we sang in Octet with 4 chorus members and had people laughing in all the right places during our spot.

Special thanks must go to the WI ladies who organised everything so well, and of course to the audience, who were very receptive and warm.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

I don't need it! - I could use it! - I WANT it! - My feet hurt! 

Friday, 5 February 2010

Heanor - advanced notice

Oops. Almost forgot this one!
We are performing at Heanor Methodist Church, Market Place Heanor on Saturday 6th February, along with the Major Oak Chorus.
This is a show put on by Heanor WI, and starts at 7:15. Tickets are £5 each.

For more information, please click here

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Here we go again

Good gig at John & Mary's Golden Wedding Anniversary last night. We were particularly pleased when John and a guest, Pete who are both members of the Major Oak Chorus got up and sang with us for a couple of songs.

As ever, it's a real pleasure to sing for an appreciative audience, and we received several enquiries to do further gigs from audience members, and also the manager of the golf club.

We were accompanied on this gig by two semi pro photographers who are compiling a photo portfolio of the quartet, so as soon as we get some pics from them, I'll put them on this site. Many thanks to Emma & Laura for doing this for us.

Many thanks also to John and Mary for allowing us to share their special evening.

Monday, 4 January 2010

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone. We're back, and practicing hard with an  ambitious programme of new songs to be learned, and a bunch of surprises (some of them, even the rest of the quartet don't know about!!)

Fixed items for 2010 include  performing at the Hazel Grove (Stockport)  and the Lincoln Music Festivals both as Special Blend and also the Octet Special Edition - or is it Revised Blens - I can never remember. Anyway it's a collaboration with our brother quartet Revised Edition. This gives us the opportunity to sing 8 part harmonies, one of which will be Scarborough Fair - we can't wait!

Apart from the above, Chris and I are going to sing with a Spanish Chorus for a week in april, and we have the National Competition (Convention) held this year at Harrogate in May.

As far as new year's resolutions go, Mick has promised to keep his nasal hair under control. Chris has promised to stop impersonating Mr Pastry, Rob said he would buy a round of drinks sometime in 2010, and I'm going to try to curb my baritone sense of humour.

We are available for bookings, for both large and small events, if you have a look at the rest of the site you will see what we do, and also what people have said about our performances.

This year we would maybe like to do more for (registered) charites, so if you are involved in a charity and you feel a performance from  a well rounded quartet would benefit your cause, just get in touch and we'll see what we can do.