Saturday, 22 November 2008

Gedling Homes at the Lakeside

We had a great time at the stunning Lakeside in Arnold on Friday Evening, the staff were really helpful and allowed us to use one of the rooms in the sports centre side as a dressing/warmup room.

The performance itself went well, and we had great fun when a couple of the guests - who were also singers - got up and "helped" us sing "Under The Boardwalk" and "The Lion Sleeps Tonight". We also suprised one lady sat a table when we left the stage area and sang "Sweet And Lovely" to her. We were in a playful mood!

Although we were contracted for a 30 minute performance, we actually sang for about an hour to fit in with the Gedling Homes evening schedule.

This afternoon it's back to the grindstone polishing up our Christmas package ready for the Major Oak Show on the 29th.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

old and great acapella music