Sunday, 30 November 2008

Sound Celebration Show with the Major Oak Chorus

Copies of the above photos can be purchased from the photographer's website
Here as both members of the Major Oak Chorus and as Special Blend, we had a very busy evening, but what a wonderful evening it was.

Sometimes, everything just seems to click into place, and this was one of those times. The Chorus was magnificent, 4 Blokes Singin' and Blush were superb and wow -what a reception we got from the audience! We performed our new Christmas set for the first time as well as our regular songs to a huge round of applause. Mick's antics with his Christmas hat had to been seen to believed. There was a professional photographer at the show, so as soon as I get some photo's, I'll upload them.

Now it's back to the grind rehearsing for the Cancer Reseach Charity show on Friday 5th December at the Council House in Nottingham.

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Gedling Homes at the Lakeside

We had a great time at the stunning Lakeside in Arnold on Friday Evening, the staff were really helpful and allowed us to use one of the rooms in the sports centre side as a dressing/warmup room.

The performance itself went well, and we had great fun when a couple of the guests - who were also singers - got up and "helped" us sing "Under The Boardwalk" and "The Lion Sleeps Tonight". We also suprised one lady sat a table when we left the stage area and sang "Sweet And Lovely" to her. We were in a playful mood!

Although we were contracted for a 30 minute performance, we actually sang for about an hour to fit in with the Gedling Homes evening schedule.

This afternoon it's back to the grindstone polishing up our Christmas package ready for the Major Oak Show on the 29th.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Forthcoming appearances 2008

On Friday the 21st November we are singing at the Lakeside Conference Centre Arnold, for the newly formed Gedling Homes.

Friday the 29th we are performing at the Sound Celebration show in Carlton (see poster elsewhere on this page) with The Major Oak Chorus, and a host of other singers.

Friday 5th December we are at the Council House Nottingham for a Cancer Research charity Christmas event.

Saturday 6th we are singing in a suprise performance at a senior citizen's rest home "somewhere in Nottingham"!!!

On December 12th we are singing at a private party in Mansfield.

13th of December we are appearing in another Charity Show at Bottesford, near Grantham with our good friends, ladies quartet KLEA Vision.

Monday, 10 November 2008

Rob and Mick proudly wearing their hats, and Chris on the left who's mind was apparently closed at the time !!
The Blenders singing for Janina and her mother Yanina and guests at the Ania Polish Restaurant in Nottingham.

I must say the food looked fantastic, and it was very difficult to resist the temptation to snaffle some as the waiter carried it by us.

We were very well received and picked up another booking from one of the guests.

Incidentally, the hats are optional!!!!

Friday, 7 November 2008

Birthday Parties and Workshops

Another busy weekend for the Blenders.
Saturday Rob and I are participating in the Northern Barbershop Alliance workshop day in Sheffield along with members of most of the Barbershop Choruses in the area, to be followed by an afterglow (an evening of ad-hoc singing, eating and drinking ) at a social club in Sheffield.

On Sunday we are rehearsing our Christmas package plus singing at a birthday party in a Polish restaurant in Nottingham. Back to work on Monday and a Chorus rehearsal on Tuesday - if any of us have a voice left!!!